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England Close The Gap And Set New Records

WEB Cricket Records for England vs Pakistan in Test Matches

England Close the Gap and Set New Records

Thrilling Victory in the Second Test

In a thrilling turn of events, England has emerged victorious in the second Test match against Pakistan, securing an unassailable 2-0 lead in the series.

Unprecedented 0-3 Result for Pakistan

The resounding 8-wicket victory marks a historic moment for England, as it handed Pakistan its first 0-3 result in a Test series at home.

Crushing 74-Run Win in the Third Test

England's dominance continued in the third and final Test, where they defeated Pakistan by a comfortable 74 runs to take the series by a comprehensive 1-0 margin.

Key Contributors and Match Highlights

Exceptional performances from Matthew Henry, Um-E-Aymen Babar, and Tom Mallows were instrumental in England's success. The match witnessed nail-biting moments and thrilling exchanges between the two teams.
