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Genie Wiley Now

WEB Genie: A Story of Abuse, Neglect, and Triumph


WEB Genie, an American child raised in social isolation, has become a symbol of the horrific abuse and neglect that can occur within families. Genie's story has shocked and captivated the world, highlighting the importance of child protection and the devastating consequences of isolation and abuse.

Early Life and Abuse

Genie was born in 1970. From an early age, she was locked in a room and subjected to severe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Her parents, who had mental health issues, denied her basic human needs, such as food, water, and the ability to speak.

As a result of her isolation, Genie's language development was severely stunted. When she was discovered at the age of 13, she had only a vocabulary of about 20 words and was unable to communicate effectively. Her physical condition was also severely compromised, with malnourishment and untreated medical conditions.

Discovery and Rescue

Genie's abuse was discovered in 1978 when her mother took her to a social services agency for assistance. Social workers were horrified by Genie's condition and immediately removed her from the home.

Genie's rescue was a complex and challenging process. She had to undergo extensive physical and psychological rehabilitation, and she slowly began to learn how to communicate and interact with the world around her.

Legacy and Impact

Genie's story has had a profound impact on the fields of child psychology and protection. It has highlighted the importance of early detection and intervention in cases of abuse and neglect.

Genie's case has also raised awareness of the devastating effects of social isolation and trauma on child development. It serves as a reminder that every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment in which to grow and thrive.
